Personal or Distance Healing, Skype/Facebook/Telephone sessions
Dowsing courses/support either online or in person
[email protected] www.holistichealthharmony.co.uk
07951 656970
Karen Withams
Isle of Wight

Vibrational Medicine, Distant Healing, Reiki, Reflexology, Sound Healing, Shamanic Healing
A gentle way to better health.
email: [email protected]
07503 183072 01785 251632
Anne McConville BEd (Hons), BWY Dip, MCSH, DVM

Appointments are via:
ZOOM, WhatsApp and Phone
Email:[email protected]
Mob: 07807 290032
Eugenie Young
Forres, Scotland

Reiki/ pure energy healing. body work and accupressure
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.georginawithers.com
Tel: 0034669725689
Georgina Withers
Ibiza, Spain

Chris Wyllie

Culloden, Inverness

Distance treatments available, Vibrational medicine, Bio-Energy and other Energy healing, SRT
Email: [email protected] www.aspenhealing.co.uk
Tel: 01575 560332 Mob: 07908651045 (text only)
Alfi Spencer
Blairgowrie, Alyth, Kirriemuir, Dundee, Perth

Energy Healing, Esalen massages, vibrational medicine, BARS, vortex healing and more!
Email: [email protected]
web: www.kateherbertenergyhealing.co.uk
Tel: 01422 646877 Mob: 07599722461
Kate Herbert
Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, England

Consultations in person and on Skype
email: [email protected]
07895 554452 01309 675098
Maurizia Ferrari

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.spiralhealing.eu
Andrew Reive
If you are a practitioner who gained your qualification with the Scottish School of Vibrational Medicine and you want to be listed on this page then please contact us